Video transcript
Warm-ups for your choir (secondary) - eClass 4 - Choral skills and songs for teaching choirs - 05. Lean Forward, Lean Backward

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LIZ SCOTT: So this one-- sitting in your good posture-- this is to check your posture. In D major, if you wouldn't mind, Ben.

[chord played on piano]

You're going to go, (singing) 'Lean forwards, lean backwards, to the left, to the right, stand up, sit down, to the left, to the right.'

(speaking) That's all we're going to do of it today. We're going to build on it over the next couple of days. But this is also to make sure that your posture is amazing, OK? So just do the actions for me. So you're going to go, lean forward, lean backwards, to the left, to the right, stand up, sit down, to the left, to the right. Good.

I'm going reverse because I'm very intelligent. So-- and the melody goes, (singing) 'Lean forwards, lean backwards, to the left, to the right, stand up, sit down, to the left, to the right.' (speaking) Sing it for me once. Don't move, 1 and a go.

[piano playing 'Lean Forward, Lean Backward']

ALL: (singing) Lean forwards, lean backwards, to the left, to the right, stand up, sit down, to the left,--

LIZ SCOTT: With actions.

ALL: --to the right. Lean forwards, lean backwards, to the left, to the right, stand up, sit down, to the left, to the right.

LIZ SCOTT: And now, to prove how intelligent you are, last thing is you're going to do exactly the same song but do the actions in reverse.

[students chattering]

So you need to be standing. So you're going to go, (singing) 'Lean forwards, lean backwards, to the left, to the right, stand up, sit down, to the left, to the right.' (speaking) So everything reverse, right? So stand.

[students chattering]

1 and a 2--

[piano playing 'Lean Forward, Lean Backward']

ALL: (singing) Lean forwards, lean backwards, to the left, to the right, stand up, sit down, to the left, to the right. Lean forwards, lean backwards, to the left, to the right, stand up, sit down, to the left, to the right.

LIZ SCOTT: Fabulous.

End of transcript